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Lindsey keeps a promise to create a lasting legacy for late husband

Lindsey keeps a promise to create a lasting legacy for late husband

"When my late husband, Herman, and I discussed our estate plans, he wanted to help students get a college education at Northwest where he and his siblings had attended by providing a scholarship large enough so the students could concentrate on their studies by not having to work. I agree that education is an important part of life, and I am honored to carry through with his wishes."

Evelyn A. Lindsey

Evelyn Lindsey will keep a promise she made to her late husband, Herman, to establish The Herman Monroe Lindsey Scholarship at Northwest after her lifetime.

Herman graduated from Maryville High School in 1938. He enrolled at Northwest that fall and attended through 1940 when World War II broke out. Herman served his country as a navigator in the Army Air Corps and later in Gen. Patton's Eighth Air Force, attaining the rank of major, but was captured as a prisoner of war. After his release, Herman remained in the Air Force Reserves for 27 years. He returned to Northwest in 1946 before transferring to another university to complete degrees in civil engineering and business administration.

The couple met in Kansas City, where Evelyn graduated from the St. Luke's nursing program. She put her training to use as a store nurse for Macy's then later for AT&T as a corporate nurse. Evelyn enjoyed her work, but, at Herman's request, she happily resigned after they were married in 1961 so she could accompany her husband on his business trips throughout the United States and Europe.

When the couple journeyed to Clarinda, Iowa, in 2003, they stayed in Maryville and toured the Northwest campus. Soon afterward, Herman became ill, and he passed away in 2007. Evelyn continues to live in their Leawood, Kan., home.

By naming the Northwest Foundation as the residual beneficiary of her living trust, Evelyn will make Herman's dream of assisting students who otherwise would not be able to attend college come true. Evelyn's bequest will establish The Herman Monroe Lindsey Scholarship, which will be administered through the University's need-based American Dream Grant program.

Contact the Office of University Advancement at [email protected] or (660) 562-1248
to find out about the many advantages of providing an estate provision.

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